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How to leverage sponsorships and networks for career advancement?

Having a mentor can be a valuable asset for your professional development, but did you know that there is another type of relationship that can boost your career even more? A sponsor is someone who not only advises and guides you, but also advocates and promotes you to influential people and decision-makers in your field. A sponsor can help you access new opportunities, projects, and roles that would otherwise be out of your reach. In this article, we will explore how you can leverage your sponsor’s network and influence to advance your career.

What is sponsorship and how is it different from mentoring?

Sponsorship is a form of strategic alliance between a senior leader and a high-potential employee. Unlike a mentor, who typically offers feedback, support, and advice, a sponsor actively champions and endorses the employee’s skills, achievements, and potential to other leaders and stakeholders. A sponsor uses their power and influence to create visibility, credibility, and opportunities for the employee, such as nominating them for key assignments, introducing them to influential contacts, and recommending them for promotions or raises.

How to find and cultivate a sponsor relationship?

Finding a sponsor is not easy, as it requires trust, alignment, and mutual benefit. To earn someone’s respect and confidence, you must demonstrate your value, potential, and commitment. To do so, first identify potential sponsors in your organization or industry who have the authority, influence, and network that you aspire to have. Next, build rapport and credibility with your potential sponsor by delivering excellent results, taking initiative, and showing enthusiasm and curiosity. Additionally, show your potential sponsor how you can help them achieve their own objectives and interests by offering your skills, expertise, and insights to support their work. Lastly, ask for specific opportunities or introductions that can help you grow and advance your career. Make sure to express gratitude for their support and advocacy.

How to leverage your sponsor’s network and influence?

Once you have established a sponsor relationship, you can leverage your sponsor’s network and influence to access new opportunities and projects that can enhance your skills, visibility, and reputation. To do this, you should seek your sponsor’s guidance and feedback on how to navigate the organizational culture, politics, and dynamics. Ask your sponsor to introduce you to key contacts and stakeholders who can help you achieve your career goals. Additionally, request your sponsor to nominate you for high-profile or high-impact assignments, projects, or roles that can showcase your skills. Make sure to acknowledge your sponsor’s role and contribution to your success and career advancement by expressing gratitude for their network and influence.

How to be a good protégé and maintain a sponsor relationship?

For a successful sponsor relationship, it is important to commit, respect, and be loyal. Meeting or exceeding expectations and standards, delivering high-quality work, and seeking continuous improvement are key. Respect your sponsor’s time and resources by being concise and following their preferred mode of contact. Align your goals with their vision and values and offer your skills to help them achieve their desired outcomes. Lastly, be loyal and trustworthy by not betraying trust or confidence, taking advantage of the network or influence for personal gain, or switching sponsors without informing your current sponsor.

How to transition from a sponsor relationship to a mentor relationship?

A sponsor relationship is usually focused on specific goals, opportunities, or projects that can help you advance your career. However, a sponsor relationship can also evolve into a mentor relationship, where you can benefit from your sponsor’s broader wisdom, experience, and perspective on your professional development. To transition from a sponsor relationship to a mentor relationship, you can ask your sponsor for feedback and advice on your strengths, weaknesses, and areas of improvement. Share your personal and professional aspirations with them, and learn from their stories and insights. Additionally, expand the scope of conversation beyond work-related topics. Engage in informal or social activities with your sponsor, such as coffee chats or events. Finally, express your interest in continuing the relationship as a mentor and discuss expectations and preferences for the mentoring relationship. Respect their decision and boundaries and appreciate their time and support.

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